
Police brutality

One of several forms of police misconduct which involves undue violence by police members. Widespread police brutality exists in many countries and territories, even those that prosecute it. Although illegal, it can be performed under the color of law.

African American people accounted for 31 percent of police killing victims since 2012, even though they make up just 13 percent of the US population. This statistic continues to grow everyday. When faced with a conflict such as Police Brutality in which your rights are infringed upon, seeking justice may seem difficult in the face of powerful organizations like police departments and the government. 

Lee Merritt has handled many high profile cases such as the Antwon Rose case.
Rose, 17, was shot in the back by then-East Pittsburgh Police Officer Michael Rosfeld while fleeing from a traffic stop last June. Rose was sitting in the passenger seat of an unlicensed taxicab when Rosfeld pulled him and another teen, Zaijuan Hester, over. The car matched the description of a vehicle involved in a drive-by shooting that had occurred just minutes earlier. Once stopped, Rose and Hester quickly bolted from the car. Rosfeld then opened fire and shot Rose three times in his back, arms, and face.

Mr. Merritt fought hard and stood by his clients, ensuring this case like all his cases get the attention and support it deserves. The rights of his clients is beyond an attorney and client relationship. This is truly his passion. 

Civil Rights Attorney Lee Merritt


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