
Civil Rights Violations

Statistics say that 12,703 potential civil rights violations were turned down across the country out of 13,233 total complaints.

Attorney Lee Merritt has handled many high-profile civil rights cases, including those involving the tragic deaths such as the Botham Jean case.26-year-old Botham Jean, was fatally shot in his own home on Sept. 6, 2018. Amber Guyger said she shot Jean after returning home and mistaking him for an intruder , she said it wasn’t until after she shot him, while calling 911, that she realized she was on the wrong floor and that she wasn’t at her apartment.
Like the Jean case, Attorney Merritt can fight for you in the courtroom, while also working to ensure your rights are protected. He is determined to get just and closure for all the victims and their family.
Civil Rights Attorney Lee Merritt


  • We are accepting new clients
  • We are working in the best ways set forth by our leaders by remote means as much as possible.
  • We are still representing our current clients as we have always.
  • Face to face meetings are by appointment only and will follow recommended safety rules set forth.
  • Remote video/phone consultiations are preferred.